92y award bullets

He supervised a team of three Soldiers to ensure the accountability of all 119 pieces of critical unit equipment, which included identifying serial numbers on each piece, attaching RFID tags, and transportation movement documents. Write Army Awards with effective sample Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets) While serving as Battle Captain of the Division's Analysis and Control Element, CPT Doe supervised the analysis and dissemination of intelligence reports to the Division G-2 and subordinate units, as well as other government agencies. We need more examples. PFC Doe showed constant concern for the members of the detachment by monitoring the work/rest cycle and fluid consumption during the summer months. Developed a criminal Top Ten List for identifying specific by-name individuals to facilitate prioritization of message traffic concerning illegal activities. Thanks! Bullets comments are used to explain any . She was able to maintain over 900 lines of back shops bench stock supply. He worked diligently to keep all areas organized and maintained to the highest standard. Award Bullets A multitude of sample Army award achievement statements (award bullets) to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. Her/His attention to detail and ability to learn quickly has allowed her/him to take on responsibilities well above her/his pay grade. Her tireless work ethic was key in maintaining parts ordering for 11 ACFT. During this period Specialist Laverdure oversaw the management of logistic support of the Battalion. What is the best OER/NCOER/award bullet you have seen? Shortly after safely and successfully redeploying his section from combat operations in Afghanistan, CPT Doe began preparing his unit again for deployment to the Middle East. SSG Doe was instrumental in the success of B Co 248th ASC during the Aviation Resource Management Survey (ARMS). The ArmyNCO Store . SGT Doe was directly responsible for the post PMO clearance and background checks for over 30,000 Soldiers, officers and civilians assigned to the USAG Casey area of operations. SGT Shaw demonstrated specialized skills in documenting over 100 lines of repairable and serviceable parts. His/Her genuine concern for others, outstanding dedication to duty, and can-do attitude were the core of success within the ____________ Brigade's Dining Facility. Far Exceeded Standard. He maintained detailed and accurate records of all indirect fire attacks on the FOB, twelve Combat Outposts, ten Joint Security Stations, and the Green Zone. He frequently works with fellow new Soldiers familiarizing them with SOP's and tactics. She earned the recognition of Soldier high miler for 4th Quarter, FY 08, executing 3,543 incident free miles and hauling 428 tons of class I-IX in a combat zone, servicing fourteen forward operating bases in support of the Iraqi national reconstruction effort. In addition, he functioned as an Africa analyst with over 50 of his articles being published. MOS 92Y Unit Supply Specialist NCOER Unit Supply Specialist NCOER Bullets Senior Supply Sergeant o provided three companies with blocking and bracing equipment; improved the condition of delivered equipment and optimized containerized transport PFC Doe demonstrated exceptional character while deployed to Iraq by seeking to accomplish the mission and conduct self improvement. PFC Doe took great pride in the care and upkeep of his assigned equipment. Served as the Government Purchasing agent for Alpha Battery from ------- until------. He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. His personal contribution allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 102,113 miles and 12,000 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations in theater. Her commitment to higher learning set the example for fellow Soldiers to follow which resulted in four other members of the squad enrolling in distance education programs. In Jan 07, enemy forces engaged the barracks on the FOB with an RPG. ACHIEVEMENT #1 SFC _____ volunteered for deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom ____, where he served as a Tactical Mentor and Trainer for seven months.Assigned to National Training Mission Afghanistan (NTMA) out of Camp _____, Kabul, he embedded with an Afghan Anny training facility in order to train and certify combat readiness and deploy-ability of Afghan Anny . Soldier's dedication to duty and strict enforcement of supply procedures resulted in him maintaining 100% accountability of the commander's property. Click on a Tab to View Bullets. His duties included the daily quality control of all written and oral intelligence products from OID, and the supervision of intelligence integration into Force Protection efforts. Supervised the integration of the Division's Information Dominance Center Forward (IDC-FWD) into the G2's CT analysis and reporting effort. He set the example for his peers to emulate by meticulously maintaining his assigned vehicle to 10/20 standards and ensuring that he was able to perform a mission at a moments notice. Identified key anti-coalition tactics, techniques and procedures, cohesive working environment and proficiency of the mapping tools, ASAS-L system and analysis process to maximize the effort and capabilities of the BCT S2 and ACT allowing multiple tasks to be accomplished in a short period of time. She analyzed requirements and resources and developed the new structured layout of the class IX yard, which simplified the process of issuing and receiving parts. Focal point for the consistent, timely and seamless flow of intelligence between local commanders and US national and theater intelligence agencies. SSG Doe as the CT database analyst for central Europe, produced twenty target folders. He successfully orchestrated a diverse team of intelligence analysts and planners to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intel scenario, and extensive intelligence architecture, and produced over 200 MSELs, which prepared the Infantry Division commander and staff for their rotation to Iraq in support of OIF II. SGT Doe assumed the NCOIC position for the Database Team for a period of 1 month and balanced daily duties with increased force protection requirements. - nihoncha-award.jp. Examples can be posted by using the form below. # 1: During his tenure in Company Command, CPT Edwards maintained a DMOSQ rate of 95% within his company, an improvement or more than 27% since taking command. SSG Doe was instrumental in the construction of the first Combating Terrorism (CT) Database; a system which enabled the command to track terrorist activity in the unit's area of operations. His level of personal responsibility ensured that the JSIIDS and CCTV systems were operational and ready at a moments notice for use by the Provost Marshall. Her efforts provided the command group with an improved awareness of events in the AOR. Skillfully capitalized on the capabilities of theater and national assets to research, collect and disseminate releasable intelligence information vital to NATO allies and multi-national brigades over NATO communications systems for planning and execution. He spearheaded the establishment of company operations immediately upon arrival to _BASE_ and to _BASE_ after our jump . His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. He implemented new procedures that are now the standard for training newly assigned personnel. AIA,CSI Vice President, Marketing and Sales, ARCOM 801. His efforts were directly responsible for freeing thousands of gigabytes of scarce BCT SIPRNET bandwidth. He displayed personal courage driving over 3,652 miles on the dangerous roads of Iraq. ACHIEVEMENT #3 __RANK & Name__ vigorously accepted the challenge of acting as both Company Supply NCO and Clerk. CPT Doe led the intelligence planning effort in developing the intelligence concept for the command's operations for Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). His commitment to the mission, as well as his own self improvement, set the example for fellow Soldiers to emulate. The form is used for reviewing individual nominations for decorations or awards, to record decisions made on those applications, and to maintain individual award case files. His professionalism and flexibility contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. SFC Doe was instrumental in building unit cohesion and morale. He contributed to the successful completion of 48 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols (DCLPs) during eight months as a member of the Transportation Detachment. Her extensive interaction within Camp Bondsteel and 21st TSC ensured aircraft parts were ordered and tracked in a timely and efficient manner. His accountability and accurate inventory of on-hand parts facilitated 100% inventory accuracy for the Task Force which allowed a reduction of on-hand parts from $1,000,000 to $600,000. ArmyNCO.com's Develops NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVg Develops on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). He/She assisted with the issue of Class I supplements for over _#_ personnel in the battalion area of operations. ACHIEVEMENT #1 __RANK & Name__ received and processed _#_ tactical vehicle, _#_ generator, and _#_ utility vehicle services in the SAMS-1E system. Prepared and presented a daily all-source intelligence briefing to the Commander, and J2 personnel to provide an essential starting point for watch changeover. Did Not Meet Standard. These target folders were subsequently vetted by the command as valid operational and intelligence targets for the theater area of responsibility. Carries the load of responsibility for millions of dollars worth of equipment. Find achievements that you like and click on the link to produce a DA 638 with the achievements already loaded. As a result of this experience, he developed procedures for parallel coordination with outside units while simultaneously reviewing FLIPLs locally which reduced processing time from an average of 60 days to 20 days, while maintaining accuracy and respecting the rights of the subjects. HIS OUTSTANDING EFFORTS AND PERFORMANCE OF DUTY REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIM, THE 16TH SPECIAL TROOPS BATTALION, THE 16TH SUSTAINMENT BRIGADE, THE 21ST THEATER SUSTAINMENT COMMAND AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. Due to his professional leadership skills and aggressive can-do attitude, SFC Doe was selected by the company commander over six senior peers to perform duties as platoon sergeant of 1st Platoon. His untiring work ethic and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the success of the S2. As an AMC, he supervised the upload of Class I-IX cargo and pre-combat inspections of mission personal and equipment. Through her/his hard work and organizational skills, __RANK & Name__ ensured the change of command inventories were thorough, all shortages accounted for, and the incoming commander remained well informed. SGT Doe functioned as a Terrorism Lead Development analyst from OCT 03 to JUN 04. __RANK & Name__ continues to go above and beyond the scope of her/his duties to ensure the company remains well supplied and that problems within the supply channels are resolved. ACHIEVEMENT #1Serving as the company's primary supply clerk, __RANK & Name__ ordered, received, turned-in, and issued equipment shortages and supplies totaling $__________. Our awards are provided by service members. SPC Doe displayed tremendous devotion to physical fitness by pushing herself through countless hours of extra physical training during personal time. SPC Doe's dedication to duty and superb organizational skills allowed her to effectively manage and complete approximately 1500 personnel actions and various additional admisitrative tasks, which proved instrumental in the success of the Operations and Intelligence division during an extended period of civilian employee shortages. In addition, Specialist Laverdure was assigned as unit amorer during redeployment and assisted in maintaining over 100 weapons in the armsroom and consistently emphasized safety during re-deployment operations. Again and again, he relayed time sensitive information to higher headquarters in a timely manner and was second to none in his ability to battle track and maintain radio-telephone operator logs. Those serving on state. ACHIEVEMENT #2__RANK & Name__ 's dedication to duty and desire to accomplish the mission, coupled with an intense personal pride, set his/her well above his/her peers. Issues and receives small arms and ammunition. Home; Read Army News! SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. He/She was a driving force that contributed to the _#%_ Operational Readiness Rate for the battalion's ground equipment. PFC Doe's attention to detail was recognized by the BCT S2. Directory. This tracking wall was used daily by the BCT staff to conduct Battle Update Briefs. In the small arms area, the 92Y issues and receives small arms, secures and controls weapons and ammunition in security areas, and schedules and performs preventive and organizational maintenance. With short notice he was always ready to assist in Common Task Training, weapon qualification, driver and escort train-up and Sergeant Time Training. He/She helped maintain _#_ assigned water points that never went below _#_% stockage level. Your email address will . During a major renovation, SFC Doe's well-planned and executed movement of all OID equipment, furniture and documents resulted in minimal down time for the division. Showing his versatility during ten company sized clearing operations in eastern baghdad, SGT Doe performed the duties of the platoon radio-telephone operator. ACHIEVEMENT #2_RANK & Name__ consistently demonstrates commitment, initiative, and work ethic above her/his peers. He personally answered over 100 RFIs from higher, subordinate and adjacent units. Their ability to predict the enemy's pattern of attacks resulted in zero fatalities and minimal contact during movement to the FOB. Assisted leadership by providing further guidance to team members required during the catalog and documenting phases. SPC Cox showed motivation and maturity by taking the lead with the RFI issue for each soldier and ensuring they got the correct items issued and documented the many shortages he encountered and followed up to ensure that shortages were filled in a prompt and timely manner. Her efficiency in managing resources was evident in improving the process through which parts are ordered. Additionally, SPC Doe answered numerous battalion requests for information throughout the deployment proving to be an indispensable BCT asset. Additionally, he played a vital role in the construction of the first CT Database by single-handedly populating over 200 records derived from hundreds of intelligence products. If you can't find you an example or want to contribute, please head over to our "contact us" page and email your suggestions or example. Thanks! As a direct result of his exceptional duty performance and superb analytical skills, SPC Doe was chosen over six other intelligence analysts to work in the DCS, G2 Combating Terrorism (CT) Branch. In addition, he promoted 37 Soldiers, graduated 43 Soldiers from NCOES, and re-enlisted 21 of 23 eligible Soldiers. His efforts enabled maneuver forces to maintain an accurate picture of the battlefield. With no experience in forklift operations, he assisted with the loading and proper placement of six containers in a condensed location. __RANK & Name__'s hard work allowed all Soldiers in Task Force Nightmare to have adequate drinking water. In addition, he managed the day to day operations at the Wash Rack/KNB and ensured previously removed and gathered documents and RFID tags were attached to the correct piece of equipment after passing cleaning inspection. Due to SFC XXXX's commitment to excellence, the Battalion S-4 received a "Satisfactory" rating during the 31st Brigade Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) Staff Assistance Visit and a "Commendable" rating during the 31st Brigade Initial Command Inspection. She personally ensured 460 items of excess ACFT parts were turned-in. PFC Doe volunteered to produce the brigade Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance plan when the collection manager departed for R&R in January 2007. SGT Doe functioned as the primary producer of the Current Threat Report (CTR), a product disseminated to commanders at all levels throughout the AOR, from Mar 02 to Mar 03. SGT Doe's imagery and analysis were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 high value targets. His untiring work ethic and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the success of the BCT S2. Supporting (X) amount of companies, for deploying, redeploying and stateside missions resulting in X missions complete. If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. His attention to detail and commitment to keeping his vehicle systems mission capable allowed the detachment to maintain a 95 percent operational readiness rate with heavily used equipment. Lives by the leadership attributes of be, know, do. His resourcefulness and efficiency enabled CTB to maintain the highest state of readiness. SGT Doe validated her skills as a diverse intelligence analyst when possible US-led operations in Iraq provided the impetus for her to become the Europe Team NCOIC. His knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the detachment's mission. Lead Development analyst from OCT 03 to 92y award bullets 04 presented a daily all-source briefing! The G2 's CT analysis and reporting effort versatility during Ten company sized clearing operations in eastern baghdad, Doe. To keep all areas organized and maintained to the Brigade intelligence 92y award bullets and Reconnaissance plan when collection. Knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the FOB with RPG... Hours of extra physical training during personal time improving the process through which parts are ordered Dominance Center Forward IDC-FWD! Name__ consistently demonstrates commitment, initiative, and J2 personnel to provide an starting... 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92y award bullets

92y award bullets