xkcd what if neutron star

Red dwarf: 0.09-0.5 R; 0.07-0.3 M, 1500-4000 K, 0.00001-0.05 L. According to ballistics lab Close Focus Research, this is almost exactly how high a .22 Long Rifle bullet will fly if fired directly upward. Such a tiny amount of a neutron star couldn't possibly destroy us all or could it?When a star about four times the size of our Sun explodes in a supernova, it propels its outer layers into space, leaving only a dense collapsing core behind a neutron star.Transcript and sources: https://insh.world/science/what-if-a-spoonful-of-neutron-star-appeared-on-earth/Made possible with the support of Ontario Creates http://www.ontariocreates.caWatch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-HhCwYD7rc\u0026list=PLZdXRHYAVxTJCzxwmCq0NNpYq9N9wyb2lThe Cosmos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfuJyVkMH_g\u0026list=PLZdXRHYAVxTJno6oFF9nLGuwXNGYHmE8UTechnology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS3bBO05fpU\u0026list=PLZdXRHYAVxTIeRY3JtgXgoGqSEB7kDdKOYour Body: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmXR46TrbA8\u0026list=PLZdXRHYAVxTJNsV9FFeNAKl2ySsHj8GZOHumanity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdCDQIyXGnw\u0026list=PLZdXRHYAVxTIFnvmOeWbv-Mt8zFxSCSvZFollow what-if on Instagram for bonus material: https://www.instagram.com/what.if.show/Suggest an episode: http://bit.ly/suggest-whatifT-shirts and merch: http://bit.ly/whatifshopFacebook Watch: https://www.facebook.com/What.If.scienceWatch on Tubi: http://bit.ly/what-if-tubi\"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. Red giant: 3-2000 R; 0.3-50 M, 2500-4000 K, 0.3-650000 L. What would happen if a neutron star was placed close to the earth? Neutron stars are incredibly dense objects about 10 miles (16 km) across. Anybody know why? In true xkcd tradition, this is taken beyond reality. A bigger projectile can go further. Too Perfect. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Neutron stars are massive gravitational monsters, and orbiting one wouldn't end up well for our planet. Most other clocks would keep working fine. The detonation of a hydrogen bomb pressed against your eyeball? See table below. [9]Although I wouldn't trust the elevators. Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems, More Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, I'd like to remind everyone that while I write sometimes about the interesting physics of bullets, I'm not an authority on firearms safety. A tablespoon of a neutron star weights about 1 billion tons. Hall thrusters go argon with Starlink V2 mini. F = GMm/ (r^2) We can use this classical formula to estimate the gravity on a Neutron Star. The third and final one is the photon cooling stage, lasting for the rest of the neutron star's life. The - talk stalk 11:57, 8 October 2020 (UTC), Is the scale correct for the real stars? . The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. A neutron star is the remnant of a massive star (bigger than 10 Suns) that has run out of fuel, collapsed, exploded, and collapsed some more. Although letting a comet slowly decay on the surface would definitely be preferable to a high-speed impact, as any dinosaur from the end of the Cretaceous can tell you. At this point, astronauts on the ISS would start getting worried. xkcd.com; what if? Alternative title. e.g. Outer space is a lot higher up than Niagara Falls,[citation needed] so the plunge down into the atmosphere at the bottom of Earth's gravity well adds a lot more than 0.1 degrees worth of heat. (, An invention of Randall's, and a reference to the elves of. The pressure inside planets is roughly proportional to the square of their surface area, so the Earth's core would be squeezed tightly. Munroe states on the comic's website that the name of the comic is not an initialism but "just a word with no phonetic pronunciation".. In this case, it was written as if the page Iron Giant redirected to Eta Carinae, a large luminous blue variable star which has a relatively high level of ferrous ions. A supernova radiates 10 times more neutrinos than there are particles, protons, neutrons and electrons in the sun. If the atmosphere isn't growing like the land and water are, air pressure would start dropping. If the article has a different name in the corresponding book than on the blog, then the alternative title will be listed alongside the blog title. She graduated from New York University in 2018 with a B.A. Fireworks sparked by survivor of stellar collision, Venus and Jupiter will soon share the same tiny part of the evening sky, Catch two great conjunctions: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, A new place to look for alien life: The photosynthetic habitable zone, Observe the constellation Auriga: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Zodiacal light and how to see it: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Explore the constellation Orion: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Mars passes behind the Moon: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF): This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Venus-Saturn Conjunction: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, My First Telescope: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Preview: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, STARMUS VI: The out-of-this-world science and arts festival will see speakers including Chris Hadfield and Kip Thorne celebrate 50 years of exploration on Mars, Queen guitarist Brian May and David Eicher launch new astronomy book. As the Earth grows, the Moon would, like all our satellites, gradually spiral inward. After this point, it would collapse into something like a sputtering white dwarf or neutron star, and thenif its mass kept increasingeventually become a black hole. Well, I'd argue,anything except what scientists just observed. The pantheon of stars illustrated extend the use of 'dwarf' and 'giant' as if describing mythical or fictional beings, drawing upon others from the fantasy ilk with hues and shades that may not be typically described, or even encountered, by astronomers. 718-719 of the IPCC WG1 AR5 report for more. Larger or more massive stars within the "giant" categories are normally called supergiants. Tungsten Countertop . 11:02, 30 November 2020 (UTC), No, not really. Answer (1 of 22): Summary - This is fictional. Only small insects (and sea animals) would be physically able to move around. Copper is a fantastically good conductor of electricity, and much of the 20,000 amps could easily take a shortcut through the bullet. The hardest part is sticking the landing. You'd probably notice the weight gain, and you'd definitely notice the failure of roads, bridges, power lines, satellites, and undersea cables. Surface gravity would only have gone up by 0.4%, rather than 1.2%, since surface gravity is proportional to radius. A real star type. When the Moon passed this boundarycalled the Roche limitit would gradually break apart and Earth would, for a short time, have rings. When a neutron star is first formed in a supernova, its surface is extremely hot (more than 1 million degrees). The company then proceeded to launch its first batch of 21 to LEO on Monday evening (check out a cool new camera angle captured . Additionally, the star loses a lot of mass in the process and winds up only about 1.5 times the Suns mass. "If they are bright and mostly spherical, and if we know how far away they are, we can use kilonovae as a new way to measure the distance independently -- a new kind of cosmic ruler," Watson said. Death from Above. the added ice would cool the water down by only about a millionth of a degree. The nature of matter under these conditions is a decades-old unsolved problem. Most of our infrastructure would have collapsed. After years had passed, the top of Mt. Geologic activity would also accelerate. Okay, so we just need thousands of comets, right? Well, if you hooked it up to a generator, you could use the slowly-descending comet to produce electricity. Join us on an imaginary adventure grounded in scientific theory through time, space and chance, as we ask what if some of the most fundamental aspects of our existence were different.Feedback, inquiries and suggestions: https://underknown.com/contact But harvesting orbital energy like this is a neat idea! Overwhelmingly Large Telescope xkcd comics i enjoy . If you set the comet on land, it would soak up heat from the atmospherewhich contains much less stored heat than the oceansbriefly cooling the air by an average of one or two thousandths of a degree. The largest class of star in the main sequence, these are highly luminous and have life spans measured in only millions of years, rather than the billions or trillions of years for other star types. It probably wouldn't stop completely; more likely, it would be drifting sideways at a couple meters per second. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Res. The outer crust is made of iron nucleiiron because this element is the endpoint of nuclear fusion processes. This CO2[4]Along with carbon monoxide, which indirectly affects the climate in a similar waysee pg. If it were suddenly set free from its gravitational field, it would blow up under earth's gravitational field. (This added heat is minor compared to the cooling effects of evaporation on the way down, so the actual temperature at the bottom is likely colder.). That star can either be completely destroyed, become a black hole, or become a neutron star.The outcome depends on the dying star's mass and other factors, all of which shape what happens when stars explode in a supernova.. Neutron stars are among the densest objects in the cosmos. The idea of neutrino radiation damage reinforces just how big supernovae are. Unfortunately, comets would affect the Earth's temperature in another way. book series or on the blog. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. But without it, we go nowhere.\" Carl SaganIf you enjoy What If, make sure to check out our other channel \"Underknown\": https://www.youtube.com/c/interestingshitProduced by Underknown in Toronto, What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Statistically, my first neutrino interaction probably happened somewhere around age 10. On the other hand, since you'd be heavierand the mountain would be tallerclimbing would be more work. Lett., 38, L13304, doi:10.1029/2011GL047450. It's like the idiom "knock me over with a feather" or the phrase "football stadium filled to the brim with ants". serious answers to absurd questions and absurd advice for common concerns from xkcd's Randall Munroe. A spoonful of neutron star suddenly appearing on Earths surface would cause a giant explosion, and it would probably vaporize a good chunk of our planet with it. She covers climate change, space rockets, mathematical puzzles, dinosaur bones, black holes, supernovas, and sometimes, the drama of philosophical thought experiments. The Earth is not, currently, expanding. Before the continential drift hypothesis was confirmed in the 1960s, [2] people had noticed that the continents fit together. This is, in fact, sort of how Edwin Hubble originally showed humanity in 1929 that our cosmic realm is expanding in the first place. Most buildings would probably be ok, although those anchored firmly into bedrock might start to behave unpredictably. When the core of a massive star undergoes gravitational collapse at the end of its life, protons and electrons are literally scrunched together, leaving behind one of nature's most wondrous creations: a neutron star. How close would you have to be to a supernova to get a lethal dose of neutrino radiation? If you weighed 70 kilograms when the expansion started, you'd weigh 70.01 at the end of the day. Some types of stars can vary in a wide range of sizes as well. Dropping a comet into the ocean to cool the planet, famously suggested by the 2002 Futurama episode None Like It Hot,[1]I'm used to stuff making me feel old, but the fact that this episode aired 20 years ago is distressing in multiple ways. When she's not at her desk, she's trying (and failing) to raise her online chess rating. [2]I'd like to remind everyone that while I write sometimes about the interesting physics of bullets, I'm not an authority on firearms safety. More massive stars explode as supernovas, while their cores collapse into neutron stars: ultra-dense, fast-spinning spheres made of the same ingredients as the nucleus of an atom. Monisha Ravisetti. articles, published either in Randall Munroe's What If? But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.". Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The typical density of neutron stars is . Breathing in this situation would be difficult. View our Privacy Policy. Hairbun assumes that this is to block out cosmic rays, as is the case with the real life Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven (IMB) detector, started in Lake Erie in 1979, or the Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO), placed in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) salt mine in . If you want to use larger bullets, you'll need a much larger drop; an AK-47's bullet can go over two kilometers upward. I've seen quite a bit of that on this page. A real thing, though not a true star, but a remnant of one. 16. By signing up you may also receive reader surveys and occasional special offers. But since that air is spread out over a larger area, the overall effect would be decreasing air pressure. This concept is especially interesting because it would explain how lighter elements could've formed with the kilonova as the team recorded. It actually wouldn't have much effect on global sea level, but the influx of cold water on the surfaceand the dust released into the aircould definitely mess with the atmosphere. "This idea also has shortcomings, but we believe that neutrinos play an even more important role than we thought," Sneppen said. [1]This was confirmed by Mythbusters in episode 4 of Season 4. 1572948 (talk) 06:31, 25 July 2021 (UTC), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_latte, https://www.zdnet.com/article/20-years-of-linux-on-big-iron/, https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php?title=2360:_Common_Star_Types&oldid=282723, Pages using the "citation needed" template, A real star type. An artist's illustration of a kilonova explosion, as two neutron stars collide. After 100 years, we'd be experiencing over six gees of gravity. Less often if you're a child, since you have fewer atoms to be hit. An invention of Randall's; likely a form of the Greek, An invention of Randall's, and also a reference to, An invention of Randall's, and a reference to, dangerous to observe at optical wavelengths, An invention of Randall's, and a reference to the. Small chunks of ice falling from space disintegrate and boil away before they reach the ground, warming the upper atmosphere. This is due to a combination of factors. This page was last edited on 30 December 2022, at 22:23. It explains that during certain supernovae, the collapse of a stellar core into a neutron star, 10 57 neutrinos can be released (one for every proton in the star that collapses to become a neutron). A tablespoon of the Sun, depending on where you scoop, would weigh about 5 pounds (2 kilograms) the weight of an old laptop. The heaviest neutron star ever detected is shredding its companion while spinning on its axis over 700 times per second. wouldn't work for a few reasons. Complex physics dictates what happens after two neutron stars collide -- whether the collision creates a bigger neutron star or collapses to form a black hole. If a bullet with the density of a neutron star were fired from a . Can a job not hire you because of anxiety? What about our roads and bridges? A new gravitational-wave detection points to the largest known neutron star or the smallest known black hole, and suggests weirder things still to come. 0:04. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. (Since Cueball and Black Hat are able to stand upright, it suggests the gravitational pull is a . Can a planet still function with a damaged moon? The millions of people around the world who read and loved What If? The neutron star, a pulsar designated PSR J0952-0607, is thus the densest object within sight of Earth. If this were the only mode for the decay in the temperature of such objects, one would expect them to be easily detected by X-ray observations for quite a long time after their formation, of order 10 6 yr, since their formation surface temperatures are in . A neutron star also has powerful gravity pulling it together, but a force between the neutrons, caused by a quantum mechanical effect known as degeneracy pressure, pushes the particles apart . But what if we took just a spoonful of it and transported it to Earth? In terms of the perplexing explosion shape, though, Watson explained another possible reason. Paint the Earth February 18, 2014. In the case of neutron decay, about 0.08% of the mass gets converted to energy in the process, which doesn't sound like too much, but multiply it over your teaspoon of neutron star, and it ends up . Argis13 (talk) 18:05, 17 September 2020 (UTC), I wonder if the indigo banshee isn't referring to indigo children172.69.34.60 23:30, 17 September 2020 (UTC), Perhaps this comic was inspired by this fact: https://www.zdnet.com/article/20-years-of-linux-on-big-iron/ This Neutron Star Explosion Was Perfect. This effect can be seen, dramatically, when a bullet is fired at ice. -User:Donthaveusername 10:02, 18 September 2020, It's rather arbitrary, of course (these distinctions always are), but I had always assumed that "sphinx" was the fictional beast of myth, while "sphynx" refers to the real hairless cat breed. Taking the yellow dwarf as our scale, the blue giant is okay, but the red dwarf should be about the size of the white dwarf, the red giant should be far larger (Takes up entire comic) and the white dwarf should be far smaller (invisible). In fact, it's honestly sort of impressive to find a solution that would actively make the problem worse in so many different ways. Remember that hypothetical crane that lets you lower comets to the surface? would change Earth's radiation balance, trapping heat near the surface and raising the planet's temperature. This heat energy would be about 100 times greater than the energy needed to bring even a very cold comet up to room temperature, so a comet falling from space would heat the Earth 100 times more than it cooled it. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Watson suggests, "this probably means that the theories and simulations of kilonova that we have been considering over the past 25 years lack important physics.". A neutron star typically would have a mass that's perhaps half-a-million times the mass of the Earth, but they're only about 20 kilometres (12 miles) across (about the size of London). They are run by Disney with a 70% share - back then by Warner brothers - and they aren't as respectable as National Geographic magazine (which is also now run by Disney). Various ideas were put forward to explain this, including the idea that the ocean basins were rifts that opened in the surface of a previously-smooth Earth as it expanded. Spice up your small talk with the latest tech news, products and reviews. The "bullet catch" is a common magic trick in which a magician appears to catch a fired bullet in mid-flightoften between their teeth. Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems, More Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, The smoking gun that confirmed the plate tectonics hypothesis was the discovery of, Mass is proportional to radius cubed, and gravity is proportional to mass times inverse square of radius, so radius, Over decades, the force of gravity would grow slightly faster than you'd expect, since the material in the Earth would compress under its own weight. After the initial jolt, one of the first effects you'd notice would be that your GPS would stop working. In reality, the star Algol and other nearby stars in the constellation of Perseus were historically referred to as the "Gorgonea", representing Medusa's head after Perseus cut it off. Neutron stars are thought to be formed from the supernova explosion that ends the life of a medium-sized star, roughly eight to 20 times the mass of our sun. This channel runs preposter. Water that goes over Niagara Falls, for example, gains enough kinetic energy during the 50-meter plunge to warm it up by about 0.1C by the time it reaches the bottom. A page might have a title that is too easily landed upon by a search term that might also be expected to lead to one under a quite different subject, such as the case-sensitive example of "This article is about the British comedy franchise. While a normal black hole has the mass of 9.945e+30 (five times the sun. Okay, if you insist. It wouldn't just cancel out the cooling effect of the iceover time, the comet's greenhouse effect would deliver as much heat as if you'd just let it slam into the planet and vaporize. Soda Sequestration March 18, 2014. Core collapse supernovae happen to giant stars, so if you observed a supernova from that distance, you'd probably be inside the outer layers of the star that created it. 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xkcd what if neutron star

xkcd what if neutron star