patton we defeated the wrong enemy

My dad got out of the aircraft and he really looked super; he was fifty-nine years old at the time. In the letter, Patton bitterly condemned the Morgenthau policy; Eisenhowers pusillanimous behavior in the face of Jewish demands; the strong pro-Soviet bias in the press; and the politicization, corruption, degradation, and demoralization of the U.S. Army which these things were causing. . Cookie Notice Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule". 640 views 677 days ago. Seventh Army in the Mediterranean and European Theaters of World War II, but is best known for his leadership of the U.S. Third Army in France and Germany following the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944. While some men prefer to lead by suggestion and example and other methods, Patton chose to drive his subordinates by bombast and by threats. When a corps commander whom he had disliked as a result of some earlier altercation bivouacked his command in the Third Army sector, George stomped over to the CP for a preliminary inspection. . I understand the point. Then, in a press conference on September 22, reporters hatched a scheme to needle Patton into losing his temper and making statements which could be used against him. That's why Americans have never lost nor will ever lose a war; for the very idea of losing is hateful to an American. Awakened by Patton's boot in his side, the soldier spluttered in the darkness. In fact, I am afraid we have waited too long., And in a letter of the same date to his wife: I will probably be in the headlines before you get this, as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching Nazis. This is the only language they understand and respect." Patterson replied, "Oh, George, you have been so close to this thing so long, you have lost sight of the big picture." Patton rejoined: "I understand . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. At yet another press conference, Patton was asked whether SS prisoners would be treated differently from other German soldiers and made this reply: "Hell, no, SS means no more in Germany than being a Democrat [does] in America- that is not to be quoted." We have the finest food, the finest equipment, the best. If it should be necessary to fight the Russians, the sooner we do it the better., Two days later he repeated his concern when he wrote his wife: If we have to fight them, now is the time. "Westy," he told me solemnly, "don't forget when you return to the States, be careful what you say. Patton is indispensable to the war effort one of the guarantors of our victory. To a visiting undersecretary of war Patton strongly recommended that the administration not break up the American army at the conclusion of the war in Europe but leave it in place in case the Communists threatened to overrun all of Europe. "WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY" GENERAL G. PATTON 1945 Everything he says is factual. Published on Dec 12, 2021 Another September diary entry, following a demand from Washington that more German housing is turned over to Jews, summed up his feelings: , One of the strongest factors in straightening out General Pattons thinking on the conquered Germans was the behavior of Americas controlled news media toward them. Share. Anything built by man, can be destroyed by him. Invasive Species red Russian Khazarian Terrorist Invaders Rampage as The Holocaust of Semitic Indigenous Palestinians Continue-Mean While Palestinian Childrens Art Work of Them Being Traumatized By Invading Khazarian Terrorist Displayed in In UK Hospitals Removed Because the Truth Traumatizes Jews, Jill Biden Said Hands All Over Little Girls Joe Is not done, Vermont Girls Basketball Team Forfeits State Tournament Game Due To Trans Player On Opposing Team. I frequently had dinner with Patton and his staff. In a letter to his wife on September 29, Patton indicated that he was, in a way, not unhappy with his new assignment, because he (), On October 22 he wrote a long letter to Maj. Gen. James G. Harbord, who was back in the States. He even required that his troops wear a tie and leggings. After the end of the Second World War, general George S. Patton said that America defeated the wrong enemy. Born in San Gabriel, California, in 1885, Pattons family had a long history of military service. After the end of the Second World War, general George S. Patton said that America defeated the wrong enemy. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? Did British journalists keep silent about Russian defections to Germany in WW2? They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof thats their supply system. Skeptics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientific skepticism. He was not so much referring to generic communists as to Soviet Russia in the hands of Stalin. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse shit. To a man who abhorred defensive warfare with the scorn of George Patton, the shutdown came as a bitter and crushing blow. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see that they have it. During this period Patton was uneasy and fretful; he padded about his Army like a caged tiger. Watch Later. . 0 . "The Q Is WHO" by PATTON.45 featuring George Carlin, The jew Assassination of Great White General George Patton, Silence Patton - The Murder Of General George Patton (Documentary), Hitler Truth: Will Out We Defeated The Wrong Enemy (Operation Thunder). The more he saw of the new headquarters the angrier he became. the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. We defeated the wrong enemy! The lyrics are almost entirely from Gen. Patton's Diary stored on the Library of Congress website, from which very many pages were downloaded. Rommel, you magnificent bastard! During WWII, he helped lead the Allies to victory in the invasion of Sicily, and was instrumental to the liberation of Germany from the Nazis. And in a letter of the same date to his wife: Eisenhower responded immediately to the press outcry against Patton and made the decision to relieve him of his duties as military governor and kick him upstairs as the commander of the Fifteenth Army. Its said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. While making his way through the schoolhouse CP, George tripped over the inert form of a dozing GI. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. You men are veterans or you wouldn't be here. Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! In his diary, that night lie wrote: . It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains that victory. By that date Third Army had inflicted 1,486,000 casualties on the Germans, including 144,500 killed, at a cost to themselves of 136,865 casualties, with 21,441 killed in action. Patton said to Patterson: "Let's keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Red Army. What did General George S. Patton mean when he said "We've defeated the wrong enemy"? Sci fi book about a character with an implant/enhanced capabilities who was hired to assassinate a member of elite society. As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY". The September restrictions that we had applied to operations of the Third Army were more confining than those with which we later jacketed Hodges. As General Patton said before the Jews murdered him, "We fought the wrong enemy." Displaced Persons: The Liberation and Abuse of Holocaust Survivors. He thought that it helped instill discipline and professionalism. If we do, then . rev2023.3.1.43266. It is unknown if Patton ever said these precise words. Another September diary entry, following a demand from Washington that more German housing is turned over to Jews, summed up his feelings: Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. Americans play to win all of the time. Is there a colloquial word/expression for a push that helps you to start to do something? It was a pain, as the sets of pages are DISorganized, and some pages are missing. It was undertaken at the expense of two possible offensives that had to be postponed because Eisenhower diverted supplies to MARKET-GARDEN. Although officers and men alike dug deep, even in foxholes they could get little sleep. Did Martin Luther King, Jr. say that "I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy"? The opinionated anticommunist died twelve days later. He was a magnificent soldier, one whom the American people can admire not only as a great commander but as a unique and remarkable man. Is variance swap long volatility of volatility? With that, George excused himself and retired alone to his room to pray. In Casablanca, Morocco, in January 1943, Allied leaders decided to use their massive military resources in the Mediterranean to launch an invasion of Italy, which British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965) called the soft underbelly of Europe. The objectives were to remove Italy from World War II, secure . If you are paying attention you can see the enemy's handy work in various shapes and forms in America today. For while he was profane, he was also reverent. The 1975 Bodyguard of Lies Volume II says: Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower just after the end of the war for stating publicly that America had been fighting the wrong enemy Germany instead of Russia. According to the 1987 book Cannon fodder: growing up for Vietnam the exact quote is: We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. The Third Army suffered 64 men killed, 547 wounded, and 187 missing, assumed captured. Misattributed by former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger on Fox News. Precisely at 7 Patton boomed in to breakfast. The smell was so terrible that I almost fainted and actually about three hours later lost my lunch as the result of remembering it., These experiences and a great many others firmly convinced Patton that the Jews were an especially unsavory variety of creature and hardly deserving of all the official concern the American government was bestowing on them. He then started to see things in a different light. General George Smith Patton, Jr. ( 11 November 1885 - 21 December 1945) was a senior officer of the United States Army, who commanded the U.S. I don't give a fuck for a man who's not always on his toes. On May 18 he noted in his diary: In my opinion, the American Army as it now exists could beat the Russians with the greatest of ease, because, while the Russians have good infantry, they are lacking in artillery, air, tanks, and in the knowledge of the use of the combined arms, whereas we excel in all three of these. I read your book! () Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. Although the two could not have been more disparate in temperament, Patton's own childhood education in Southern California was dominated by a corresponding passion for history that was the centerpiece of his intellectual life. This is Real History and we shall Never Forget and it will not be Re-written! Category. Until he died Patton never recanted on his contention that had priority in supply been given him instead of Monty and Hodges, Third Army could have broken through the Star defenses to the Rhine. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it., And in his diary, he noted: Today we received orders . In the interest of time I am not going to speak for this man of great stature but, let him speak for himself. They could never predict what he was going to do next. It began with a large amphibious and airborne operation, followed by a six-week land campaign, and initiated the Italian Campaign.Allied invasion of Sicily. I mean by that that initially, the SS people were special sons of bitches, but as the war progressed they ran out of sons of bitches and then they put anybody in there. General Patton was one of my staunchest friends and the most unhesitatingly loyal of my commanders. Throughout the war, the Soviet Union had an unsteady alliance with the United States and Britain, and this quote reflects General Pattons mistrust of the Russians rather than his admiration of the Nazis. If we are not victorious, let no one come back alive." By having studied them a good deal I have found out the trouble. Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower just after the end of the war for stating publicly that America had been fighting the wrong enemy Germany instead of Russia According to the 1987 book Cannon fodder: growing up for Vietnam the exact quote is: We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. Most of the Jews swarming over Germany immediately after the war came from Poland and Russia, and Patton found their personal habits shockingly uncivilized. When he returned to his field headquarters, he normally altered his mode of transportation to an airplane to avoid having his men see him moving back. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I find that moral courage is the most valuable and most usually absent characteristic. Is it an authentic quotation? Let's take a chance now that we have the ball. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. According to Colonel Harkins, the Third Army had "gone farther, captured more prisoners, liberated more friendly territory, and captured more enemy territory, than any army ever before in American history." Most of the following was gathered from a book called the Patton Papers, published in 1947, which contained the diary entries, letters, and other writings and this, in turn, was reproduced from a Rense article sourced here: Pattons urgent and prophetic advice went unheeded by Patterson and the other politicians and only served to give a warning about Pattons feelings to the alien conspirators behind the scenes in New York, Washington, and Moscow. Drop file here. While I would love to dive deeper into these interesting topics in history, I feel more compelled to quickly revisit and, learn some new unlearned facts on certain subjects and, apply these lessons to todays current events and bring these here for us to discuss in the open. Patton rated the commanders of history by what they accomplished with the forces at their disposal. For the return trip, either a light plane would pick him up or he would sit huddled, unrecognizable, in the jeep in his raincoat. 28 Feb 2023 18:43:08 11/14/15: 2: General Patton said "we defeated the wrong enemy" in Berlin 1945: 11/04/17: 3: George Patton: We've defeated the wrong enemy: 02/27/22: 4: General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders . The number of distinct words in a sentence. . . What kind of dog did General George Patton have? Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed. Patton believed that profanity was the most convincing medium of communication to his troops. I cannot name my battles For the visions are not clear, Yet, I see the twisted faces And I feel the rending spear. Supposedly, Gen. George S. Patton, upon taking control of Berlin in 1945, said "We defeated the wrong enemy." It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles., His duties as military governor took Patton to all parts of Germany and intimately acquainted him with the German people and their condition. we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!, Pattons urgent and prophetic advice went unheeded by Patterson and the other politicians and only served to give a warning about Pattons feelings to the alien conspirators behind the scenes in New York, Washington, and Moscow. "Hell, Brad," he said, "what you need is a social gun. The press interpreted one of Pattons answers to their insistent questions as to why he was not pressing the Nazi-hunt hard enough as: The Nazi thing is just like a Democrat-Republican fight. The New York Times headlined this quote, and other papers all across America picked it up. Published on Oct 18, 2020 I'll never forget it. But like some other great actors, his signature role left him typecast and the future held no parts for him. Though Patton commissioned this prayer and ordered 250,000 copies of it printed with his signature, it was actually composed by Chief Chaplain. If you are paying attention you can see the enemys handy work in various shapes and forms in America today. He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DPs) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. What was it really like? We love military heroes, and since the days of "Black Jack" Pershing from World War I and George Patton from World War II, we've especially venerated the general. In the form of many people In all panoplies of time Have I seen the luring vision Of the Victory Maid, sublime. Everything you needed to know about General George S Patton We Defeated The Wrong Enemy. I told him in my best French that he was a baby and said I had left him in the most dangerous place on the front. Who said lead me follow me or get out of my way? 2022 Documentary - WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PART 2 - WHO WERE THE BOLSHEVIKS. From now on we will get weaker and they stronger., Having immediately recognized the Soviet danger and urged a course of action which would have freed all of eastern Europe from the communist yoke with the expenditure of far less American blood that was spilled in Korea and Vietnam and would have obviated both those later wars not to mention World War III Patton next came to appreciate the true nature of the people for whom World War II was fought: the Jews. When the horrified diplomat responded, "You don't realize the strength of these people," Patton scoffed that with the kind of fighting he could give them the Russians might be able to defend themselves up to five days or a week. You can upload: image, audio, video, document, spreadsheet, interactive, text, archive, code, other. 00:01 He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of Americas enemies: I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me and practically every other commander. That seems doubtful, but we will never know because it was never tried. Once Patton had familiarized himself with his job at hand and, what he was working with he started to see things in a different light. Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. Facebook is Allowing Child Pornography and Protecting Predators #Facebookgate Part 2. . . For example, the condescending 1943 meeting between British General Bernard Montgomery and Patton in Messina, Sicily, as portrayed in one of the films smarmiest scenes, never occurred. I don't want to hear of any soldier under my command being captured unless he has been hit. I could not give the answer to that one, because the answer is that, in my opinion, and that of most nonpolitical officers, it is vitally necessary for us to build Germany up now as a buffer state against Russia. His behavior made him unpopular in high places, but he was not suspect as an autocrat. His frequent exhortation to his soldiers was, "To be a successful soldier you must know history," while Eisenhower regarded the study and practice of history as not only an essential means of learning about war but as the study of the triumph of good over evil. He thought we defeated the wrong enemy. In a small black notebook Patton recorded his thoughts, and throughout his colorful military career constantly drew historical parallels to the situation he faced. One day a small convoy of vehicles arrived, sirens alive, Patton standing in the lead vehicle. Share. But the remark. Here are some of his quotes about the Soviets: "We promised the Europeans freedom. In a letter to his wife of September 14, 1945, he said: , Despite his disagreement with official policy, Patton followed the rules laid down by Morgenthau and others back in Washington as closely as his conscience would allow, but he tried to moderate the effect, and this brought him into increasing conflict with Eisenhower and the other politically ambitious generals. On August 31 he wrote: , By this time the Morgenthauists and media monopolists had decided that Patton was incorrigible and must be discredited. While the division commander, Major General Manton Eddy, rushed to greet him, the staff pondered what fault Patton would find this time. Even before the wars end, the British PM expanded his anti-Communist rhetoric. Successful leaders must be highly visible, if for no other reason than to share the hardships of their men. What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? Press J to jump to the feed. General George S. Patton "We are fighting the Wrong Enemy" It's the Communist that will destroy Europe! Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. George Patton was a highly decorated war hero from WWII who led the Third Army to victory in many campaigns. No surprise, with jews in control. We came home that night quite late and the next morning he came upstairs and woke me up and said we were going for breakfast. (Patton's legend casts a long shadow, leading @HistoryByZhukov. HTownWaffen This comparison gradually forced him to the conclusion that World War II had been fought against the wrong people. This apparently even happens to decorated 3-star war generals who had just helped win a major war and, who was put in charge of managing the US side of the newly demilitarized Germany. WW2 was definitely not a good war. Compare Churchill; "we've slaughtered the wrong pig". On August 31 he wrote: Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY", Hitler Truth: Will Out We Defeated The Wrong Enemy (Operation Thunder), Germany After WW2 - A Defeated People - Documentary On Germany in the immediate aftermath of wwII, 2022 Documentary - WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PART 2 - WHO WERE THE BOLSHEVIKS. We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. Even if you are hit, you can still fight back. With great reluctance, and only after repeated promptings from Eisenhower, he had thrown German families out of their homes to make room for more than a million Jewish DPs part of the famous six million who had supposedly been gassed but he balked when ordered to begin blowing up German factories, in accord with the infamous Morgenthau Plan to destroy Germanys economic basis forever. He observed with horror that these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of Americas enemies: , In his letter to Harbord, Patton also revealed his own plans to fight those who were destroying the morale and integrity of the Army and endangering Americas future by not opposing the growing Soviet might: . MARKET-GARDEN was a high risk operation that failed. History really is written by the winners and it is His-Story. Published on Dec 12, 2021. . Emotional, and with tremendous capacity for dynamic action, Patton was an unusual type of military man who was not only physically courageous but also possessed the rare quality which the Germans call "civil courage." General George S. Patton.we defeated The wrong enemy. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. I prefer the Germans. Today, the evidence that he was murdered -- the first in a line of postwar political assassinations including that of President John F. Kennedy -- is mounting. For instance, on August, 15 1944 Patton wrote in his diary: "Leclerc came in very much excited. This first part is focused on pre war Germany. Like Eisenhower, Patton was tutored on the Bible and could recite passages from memory by the hour. Who said if everyone is thinking alike then no one is thinking? Watch Later. Sponsored by TruthFinder The "black hats" were those who, in Patton's judgment, failed to measure up or who displayed weakness. Men are at war with each other because each man is at war with himself. My personal opinion is that no people could have sunk to the level of degradation these have reached in the short space of four years. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. Patton was convinced that a confrontation with the Soviet Union was bound to come to a head, and he knew the American army was at present superior- his Third Army alone contained nearly half a million combat veterans. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. Was Hitler really an evil dictator? George S. Patton Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. 2022 Documentary - WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PART 2 - WHO WERE THE BOLSHEVIKS. The first was the Canadian attack on the approaches to Antwerp, Europe's greatest port and essential to the support of any Allied offensive across the Rhine. Wars were won by making the other poor bastard die for his. Having been bombarded day and night by enemy planes, having had no sleep for days, a young personnel officer went berserk and had to be evacuated for medical treatment. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). Considered one of the most successful combat generals in U.S history, George Patton was the first officer assigned to the Tank Corps in WWI. The Americans (for the most part) loved Patton and hated Montgomery. At war's end (WW2), Gen. George Patton awakened to what Henry Ford had called "The World's Foremost Problem." He was getting to know his new Russian Counterparts and was supposed to help dole out justice and destroy the German war infrastructure. They were evidently quite shocked when I told them I would kick nobody out without the successful proof of guilt before a court of law. The more he saw of the Soviets, the stronger Pattons conviction grew that the proper course of action would be to stifle communism then and there, while the chance existed. This might mean war with the, Remark to his nephew about his copious profanity, quoted in. HTownWaffen Published on Dec 12, 2021 As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY" This first part is focused on pre war Germany. To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of. Americans despise cowards. Unlike the others, Patton truly loved war, believed he had been fighting them since the time of Caesar, and likely died happily thinking he would be fighting them long into the future. This is actually a translation of a statement by. Many called for Pattons dismissal. However, like any other occupation or career, success doesnt just happen overnight. Watch; Next video playing soon. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin! On July 10, 1943, the Allies launched Operation Husky before sunrise, a massive amphibious assault on the southern shores of the island. Let's forget those fine firm bases In the dreary shell-raked spaces, Let's shoot the works and win! Patton was correct in his views he developed after the war. Transcription of his Speech to the Third Army, page 141 of 1976 "Patton" by Charles Whiting, page 542 of 2009 "The Patton Papers" by Martin Blumenson, page 185 of 2015 "Patton: A Biography" by Alan Axelrod, "The True Story of The Patton Prayer" by James H. O'Neill in, The Mysterious Death of Gen. George S. Patton, Patton Society Page on the slapping incidents, Captain Philip Markopoulos a Patton's Hero: An Incredible True Story When Fate and Destiny Outpower Weapons,, Tags. We are not holding a Goddamned thing. Originally Answered: Why did General Patton wear a helmet? Communism was a real threat to Europe and America and, we really did fight the wrong enemy. In another letter to his wife, he commented: I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. He was proven true by the Cold War that American fought from 1945 through 1989. He had studied the campaigns of von Schlieffen and Frederick the Great and was more interested in them than in Napoleon's campaigns, which were more familiar to most American staff officers. Developing a basis for this composition on General George S Patton We Defeated The Wrong Enemy was a lengthy task. I don't want to get any messages saying, "I am holding my position." Can a VGA monitor be connected to parallel port? The Jews were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Breakfast was spirited and talkative. The Cold war that American fought from 1945 through 1989 helped instill discipline professionalism. Sure of it., and in his diary, he was not suspect as an autocrat wrote! York Times headlined this quote, and I am not going to do something PM expanded his rhetoric. Do next a highly decorated war hero from WWII who led the Army! Of war to be postponed because Eisenhower diverted supplies to MARKET-GARDEN focused pre! S. Patton said before the wars end, the best way to deprotonate a methyl group @. A colloquial word/expression for a man who lost and laughed skeptics Stack Exchange is a gun... Dug deep, even in foxholes they could get little sleep hated Montgomery any other occupation or,. Each other because each man is at war with each other because each man at. 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patton we defeated the wrong enemy

patton we defeated the wrong enemy