gotthard base tunnel cern To deal with the wealth of topographical, geological and environmental data relevant for a 100km ring, CERN embarked on an innovative tunnel optimisation tool (TOT) that would let us assess a multitude of alignment options in a fraction of the time (see CERNs tunnel optimisation tool). He is an English language trainer and an aficionado of ptanque. Those that live in the online shadows are convinced CERN is a . Webuild Group and its consortium partners were awarded a contract worth 80m ($95.2m) in March 2021 to construct a 4km-long access tunnel at the north end of the Gotthard Tunnel. In his plays, he would ridicule Christianity, especially certain rites. Although the challenges between the two studies differ, the processes and tools used will be similar. Tram 18 is quickest and most direct. Large, high-pressure inflows can be difficult to remedy, expensive and can create delays in the programme. Main Challenges of Long (and Deep) Tunnels. If you missed it, it went something like this: A giant mechanised worm eats deep into the bowels of hell to the delight of a half-naked demonic angel, Lucifer, lesbians, pagans, demons, goat gods and catatonic orange zombies in front of the delighted elite of The New World Order. SUPERCHARGE YOUR IMMUNITY PLUS GET FREE BOOKS, REPORTS, DVDS! After portraying the workers as zombie soldiers, the ceremony portrays the general populationas a bunch of lasciviouspeople who appear to be extremely suggestible. [i] But DJ BoBo is satanic small fry, mere apocalyptic plankton, compared to the CERN particle accelerator. A woman drapes the goat-man in white as is saying You are now the king of the world. Just in case you do bump into reindeer man in the Migros while restocking on strawberry yoghurt you might want to give him directions back to CERN. [xxiv], Torcs are large, metal neck rings that were once associated with nobility and high social status. [xx] Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum XIII, 18631986; A. Ross, Pagan Celtic Britain (1967; M.J. Green, The Gods of the Celts, 1986, London). The Gotthard Base Tunnel, which runs through the Alps in Switzerland, is the worlds longest railway tunnel. He noted the importance of the Gotthard crossing, writing that the conquest of that mountain range was significant in the history of Europe: "The pass and then the original tunnel, higher up and shorter, were so important a trade route, a route of people and goods and information, that Swiss troops were concentrated there in World War II. Manually inspecting the condition of the structures on the scale of the FCC will become extremely challenging. The origin of the name of the town of Saint-Genis can be traced back to an individual who is surrounded by legends and mystery. The test operations for Gotthard Base Tunnel began in October 2015 and the tunnel was officially opened in June 2016. Subscribe to our Rumble Channel For all of our new videos! Despite the best efforts to avoid the risky Jura Mountains, the geology is not perfect. A cultural and trading barrier across Europe for centuries, the Alps remains so for transport. "The official Opening Ceremonies of the Gotthard Base Tunnel was nothing other then a New World Order Satanic Ritual where CERN met the tunnel head on in a This must occur for the elites NWO (New World Order) Anti-Christ beast system .. He broke the fantasy of the play, claimed to see actual angels, and asked to be baptized onstage for real. Yes, of course, tram 18. [xxxii] I gather you have never been to CERN. Try to visit it sometime. You can just march in. And physicists are not exactly the right type of people to h The next part of the ceremony begins outside On the surface, the tunnel is a means of physical transportation, but the deeper objective of the Gotthard Base Tunnel lies in opening a passageway to another dimension, an opening to the underworld.Echoes of Time v2 Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License of the Dead Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Tech Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License A motorway construction programme and the opening of the Gotthard road tunnel in 1980 greatly encouraged freight by road. Experience of tunnelling through Jura limestone during construction of the Large Electron Positron collider (LEP; from which the LHC inherited many of its tunnels) convinced civil engineers to discard the Jura option. Nearly seven decades later, after redesigns, political disagreements and the long, slow work of drilling beneath the Gotthard massif, as it's called, Gruner's dream is complete. Satan seized the opportunity to glorify himself and desecrate the high place of Europe in the year 2016, for sanctification. For vertical shafts, the vertical shaft sinking machine and shaft boring machine are the latest technological breakthroughs, taking all the technology of a TBM and standing it on its end. [xv] On August 25, 1989, the Voyager 2 spacecraft made its closest approach to Neptune. Is the elite celebrating human sacrifice? Artists perform in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on Wednesday at the opening of the Gotthard rail tunnel. If you missed it, it went something like this: captured in all its terrible glory by Swiss television, by lesser-known media practitioners, mostly American, with names such as, people who have a computer and feel that the world, like that strawberry yoghurt in your fridge, is well passed its use-by-date. It was officially opened on September 5, 1980. Shockingly, there is more to be read on the statue that claims Shiva as the most superior god of all religions. We then see them floatingin front of a giant All-Seeing eye. In this case, the other world is hell. All three tunnels bypass the Gotthard Pass, an important trade route since the 13th The Satanic World of the White Houses New Monkeypox Czar, The Traumatic Life and Suspicious Death of Anne Heche, A Ritual to Baal? The tunnel stretches for some 57 km or 35 miles and was planned to take some 1 million trucks off the road so that the cargo can go by Other contractors are responsible for many other aspects of the project. How the Dallas Shootings Serve the Elites Race Wars and Police State Agenda, Despite the Doom and Gloom pt. The only common theme with this particular date seems to be, strangely enough, space exploration. The spectacle represents the mythical significance of the Gotthard massif to the Swiss (more on that below), and the achievement of the new tunnel, according to Increased train lengths and weights are possible through the near-level base tunnel, although in absolute terms the rising traffic demand will not diminish the need for freightlocomotives. hide caption. WebThe 57 km-long Gotthard Base Tunnel is a part of the NRLA project and is the worlds longest transportation tunnel. As I recently reported the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, the largest particle physics laboratory in the world) has approved plans to build a [xxv], The word torc comes from the Latin torque meaning to twist.[xxvi] It comes from this word because of the twisted shape many of the rings have. The show was directed by German director Volker Hesse. [xxii] In Celtic mythology, the god Cernunnos is depicted as having antlers (or horns). In 2020 it was the longest rail tunnel in the world, linking the cantons of Ticino and Uri. Image: This is a picture of one of the large, powerful, nuclear thingies that they have at CERN called a Large Hadron Collider. See how big it is c With freight most constrained by the present line and many trains needing double-heading for both the north and south ramps, an implication is a reduced need for motive power per train. Modelling a range of alignment options at different locations and with different tunnel inclinations, constrained by the spacing requirements of the experiments, it turned out that one shaft was 558m deep in the baseline design. Siemens provided the tunnel control systems and fire protection systems for the railway tunnel. Train tracks lead toward an access tunnel inside the east section of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Faido, Switzerland, in 2014. [xl] There are some who interpret the CERN acronym in the middle of the three sixes as representing the eye. This also resembles a hand gesture that is thought to signify the three sixes of the mark of the beast. This weekend, tens of thousands of people are expected to participate in a public festival with events on either side of the tunnel and, of course, the option to ride the train beneath the mountain range. From the website of Fritjof Capra: A special plaque next to the Shiva statue at CERN explains the significance of the metaphor of Shivas cosmic dance with several quotations from The Tao of Physics. It runs from Erstfeld, in Uri canton, to Bodio, in Ticino canton, and is a division of the New Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA) project. As I recently reported the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, the largest particle physics laboratory in the world) has approved plans to build a $23 billion super-collider 100 km in circumference (62 miles) that would make the current 27 km 16 teraelectron volt (TeV) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) look tiny in comparison.[i]. A man dressed as a goat becomes the master of ceremony as the everybody else pays homage to him. The statue shows Shiva in the middle of a circle of flames with his left leg raised and balancing over the demonic dwarf Apasmara who represents ignorance. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). These two characters were combined to create Apollo Atepomarus, which can be translated as Great Horseman or possessing a great horse.[xix] In the Celtic belief, horses were closely related to the sun. If you dont believe me, google . It seems those teeny-weeny particles travelling at the speed of light will have plenty of company. The Gotthard Base Tunnel is the worlds longest railway tunnel, representing the central structure of the New Rail Link through the NRLA. Herrenknechts Mixshield TBM (above) could be used to tunnel the FCC under Lake Geneva, where water-bearing moraines are encountered. Women dressed in white hold small horns on their heads as if saying We accept the goat-man as our god. It offers unforgettable train rides through the Gotthard Massif, Switzerlands mythical heart. Three Sixes (signified in black) in CERNs Logo. The European leaders went along with it because Satan as the world ruler installed them. -, "The satanic and sodomite imagery surrounding the opening of the tunnel showed the artistic and religious preferences of the globalist elite. Men walk in a strange procession while holding horned skulls as if they arepriceless religious artifacts. It has been almost 35 years since three tunnel boring machines (TBMs) set off to carve out the 27km-long hole that would house LEP and, later, the LHC. Vous avez trouv une erreur?Merci de nous la signaler. The repetition of August 25 between the three representations of this mysterious individual certainly causes one to take note. Please enter the e-mail address you used to register to reset your password, Thank you for registering To facilitate the project, intermediate shafts were sunk to allow for simultaneous tunnelling on several faces, these points (Erstfeld, Amsteg, Sedrun, Bodio and Faido) to become integrated in the finished structure for servicing and emergency access. For some reason, the ceremony becomes strangely sexual as the white-clad people start groping each other. This was a potential issue for construction works currently taking place for the High-Luminosity LHC project. [ii] Before it was given the name Saint-Genis-Pouilly in 1887, the two towns were named Saint-Genix and Pouilly. Two alignment options were under consideration in 2012, both 80km long, one located under the Jura Mountains and the other in the Geneva basin. The team therefore decided to replace the vertical shaft with an inclined tunnel (15% slope) to pop out the side of the mountain. For road or rail tunnels, this is relatively straightforward. Is this statue meant merely as a piece of art or, as some claim, a foretelling of future destruction? WATCH TOM HORN & JOSH PECK DESCRIBE CERNS CONNECTION TO OCCULT RITUALS MEANT TO OPEN END-TIMES GATEWAYS! Soutenez le journalisme de qualit, proche de chez vous. Mechanization / automation of Where exactly, is a little unclear. Conspiracy theorists are torn between two locations, the new Gotthard tunnel and the CERN particle accelerator in Geneva. The internet, which proffers a truth to every conceivable oddball, is abuzz with Switzerlands most recent satanic showcase on June 1 the opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel. 109, 1998. ", Suddenly cancelled for promoting Christian values? The electric detonators can be configured to the millisecond for complex patterns of explosions that give tunnellers precise control of the shape, speed and quality of the excavation. [xxxiii], The myth of Cernunnos is explained in further and more provocative detail in Italian witchcraft. The programme was also adapted so that only the shafts were constructed during operation of the LHC, leaving the more disruptive cavern construction until the start of the current shutdown. Train tracks lead toward an access tunnel inside the east section of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Faido, Switzerland, in 2014. The Gotthard Base Tunnel connects north and south more quickly and reliably for both passengers and goods. [xix] Through the opening ceremony of the worlds deepest and longest tunnel, the occult elite tells the world that they control the worlds resources and manpower. Conspiracy theorists are torn between two locations, the new. This commune was actually identified as two separate towns. Since Apasmara cannot be killed, Shiva uses his right foot to crush and subdue Apasmara during the Nataraja dance. [xvi] [xxvi] Heres a look at another celebration of the occult elite. As in the case of the Lotschberg, the old line was retained for local passenger services, for general capacity and as a diversionary route: a noted part of railway tourism, it also provides an interchange with the east-west metre-gauge network via Goschenen. If turned upside down, the CERN logo resembles three sixes, which some claim is a clear sign of the biblical mark of the beast from the book of Revelation. The ceremony appears to draw inspiration from local folk tales, specifically the legend about The Devils bridge, which goes through Gotthard Pass. Seismic and sonic scanners can be mounted to the front of the TBM, allowing operators to detect voids or obstacles up to 40m ahead and adjust their approach accordingly. The Gotthard base tunnel is 57km and in some places 2.3km from the surface. [v] A feast day is defined as days which are celebrated in commemoration of the sacred mysteries and events recorded in the history of our redemption, in memory of the Virgin Mother of Christ, or of His apostles, martyrs, and saints, by special services and rest from work. General concern was joined by the shock of the multiple fatalities in the Gotthard and Mont Blanc road tunnel accidents. It turns out the pelt had the magical power to transform men into wolves. The Jura itself is made of limestone rock, which while competent, is soluble and can form a network of underground voids, known as karsts. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. Cet article a t automatiquement import de notre ancien systme de gestion de contenu vers notre nouveau site web. Artists perform in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on Wednesday at the opening of the Gotthard rail tunnel. [xii] Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (2009), genius, A Latin Dictionary (Meford, MA: Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University). Modern TBMs come with a variety of face-support measures, including earth-pressure balance machines that use the excavated soil to push back against the excavated face for support. Another sequence featured dancers in white briefs and one figure with wings and an oversize head, while yet another sequence had people covered in suits resembling a cross between a pompom and a hay bale. Geology and topography are the key constraints on the tunnel position. We can never fully understand the ground before we start tunnelling and there is always the risk of encountering something unexpected, such as water, faults or obstructions. Unlike other tunnelling projects, there are no standard rules or guidance for the design of particle-accelerator tunnels, meaning each design is, to a large extent, bespoke. The CERN is a particle accelerator located in Geneva and France the Gotthard tunnel connects Canton Ticino to Uri. They are hundreds of kilometres Since construction of the 27km circumference Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was completed in 2005, CERN has been looking at the potential layouts for the tunnels that will house the next generation of particle accelerators. The diameter of a new tunnel depends on what components would be inside ventilation systems, magnets, lighting, transport corridors, etc so they can fit in like a jigsaw. The 57km (35-mile) twin-bore The legend states that after Genesius of Arles was beheaded, he was buried in Arles, but angels transported his head to Cartagena. Swiss engineer Carl Eduard Gruner first imagined it in 1947: a massive tunnel, unprecedented in length, buried a mile and a half under Switzerland's symbolic Gotthard mountain range. [xxx], Cernunnos has also been associated with Baphomet, an important deity in occultism. In 2014, with the help of UK-based engineering consultancy Arup, CERN developed the tunnel optimisation tool (TOT) to integrate project requirements and data acknowledged the righteous fringe with an article titled: Dont say you werent warned. Previously during 1992, Die Neuen Eisenbahn-Alpentransversalen (NEAT) or the New Rail Link through the Alps (NRLA) programme was approved for building two base tunnels, the 57km-long Gotthard Base Tunnel and 34.6km-long Lotschberg Base Tunnel. The unpredictable quality of the rock, coupled with the intense weight of the mountain above and the resultant extreme temperatures and humidity (without ventilation, the temperature inside the mountain system can reach46 C, or 115 F), posed serious challenges. Implications have been marked in Switzerland as traffic has largely been in transit, rather than for Swiss producers or consumers. Modern tunnelling techniques open up different options for crossing the lake, instead of simply digging deeper until we reach the rock (figure 3). Then, emerging from that train is a demonic fallen angel, a baby-faced Lucifer. And when Ham begat his first born Cush, he gave him the garments in secret, and they were with Cush many days. The segments can be fitted with a rubber gasket, which provides a waterproof seal, eliminating the need for the traditional secondary lining. [xxiv] Miranda Green (1992),Animals in Celtic Life and Myth (Routledge), pp. This would mean knowledge would be attained without effort or hard work, thereby rendering it meaningless. As people dressed in white bow down to the goat-man, a circle of eyes watches over them, confirming that this was one big, blatant, Satanic ceremony brought to you by the occult elite. The ceremony begins with workers dressed in orange walking slowly to the beat of a rhythmic military drum. [xxvii], Because of the association with various creatures, Cernunnos is sometimes described by scholars as lord of the animals or lord of the wild things.[xxviii] In biblical terminology, this could be understood as lord of the beasts. Cernunnos is also sometimes recognized as associated with sailors, commerce, and material wealth. Currently, teams are testing out how fibre-optic cables can be attached to the concrete linings to measure movements over time, and developing and training algorithms to be able to spot and characterise faults in the tunnel lining. Datwyler supplied silicon sealing solutions for the Gotthard Base Tunnel. [xxii] Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images [iv] At the annual World Tunnel Congress, attended by more than 2000 leading tunnel and underground-space experts, CERNs FCC has already generated great interest. You can't stand before the Hoover Dam, or transit the Panama Canal, or drive over the Golden Gate Bridge without being moved. [ii] On August 25, 2012, the Voyager 1 officially left our solar system and became the first man-made object to enter interstellar space. The beamline of the LHC is incredibly sensitive and can detect even the smallest vibrations from the outside world. As the drums get more rhythmic, the workers get more excited, dancing around and jumping through loops. Dancers performed at Wednesday's opening ceremony. Wake up! [xxxv] In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. (2 Corinthians 4:4). Most people outside of conspiratorial research often deduce CERNs logo as representing nothing else but the design of synchrotron particle accelerators. Mining through the karstic limestone caused several delays and costly repairs after water and sediment flowed into the tunnel (see The greatest lepton collider). Synchrotron soleil particle accelerator diagram. ", "The official Opening Ceremonies of the Gotthard Base Tunnel was nothing other then a New World Order Satanic Ritual where CERN met the tunnel head on in a bizarre ritual of sex, sex and more sex. Like most things in civil engineering, however, there is a balance between the cost of the investigations versus the risks they mitigate. It was also edited and re-captioned and re-broadcast by lesser-known media practitioners, mostly American, with names such as Vigilant Citizen , Bible False Prophet, Now the End Begins , A Watchman of the Sword , The New American , The End of the American Dream , Prophecy News Watch , Before its News , TruNews and a host of other whacky religious people who have a computer and feel that the world, like that strawberry yoghurt in your fridge, is well passed its use-by-date. Once again, the ceremony portrays the death of workers in a rather disturbing matter. The engineering feat Obtenez un accs tous les contenus. To celebrate the inauguration of this tunnel, an elaborate ceremony was presented in front of European dignitaries such asChancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The internet, which proffers a truth to every conceivable oddball, is abuzz with Switzerlands most recent satanic showcase on June 1 the opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel. 98K views 6 years ago The next part of the ceremony begins outside On the surface, the tunnel is a means of physical transportation, but the deeper objective of The Swiss government established a committee to evaluate various base tunnel ideas in the 1960s and formally recommended the construction of a Gotthard base tunnel in 1970. His feast day is August 25. And Nimrod dwelt in Shinar, and he reigned securely, and he fought with his enemies and he subdued them, and he prospered in all his battles. The Gotthard Base Tunnel - The World's Longest. From first blast to the extravagant opening ceremony, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and finished both on time and within its $12 billion (12.2 billion Swiss francs) budget. This scene is meant to honor the workers who died during the construction of the tunnel. Though recognized as a legend, there is a kernel of truth behind the story of Genesius of Rome. The world applauded the Gotthard Tunnel as an engineering feat par excellence. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1. [xx] The interesting thing to note is the connection between this idea of Apollo being associated with horses in France (where part of the LHC and CERN resides) and what the book of Revelation states about Abaddon: And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.[xxi]. The tool warns users if certain limits are exceeded or obstacles are encountered, for example, if a shaft is in the middle of Lake Geneva! I think not.". He was a radio and newspaper journalist in his native Australia and ran a restaurant in Kathmandu in his younger days. These cost money to overcome and/or delay the project; in the worst cases, they may even cause the tunnel to collapse. The 35.4-mile Gotthard Base Tunnel is the world's longest railway tunnel. Please discuss, "Your immune system is a jerk. Part of environmental protection measures for Alpine region, Project has produced the world's longest rail tunnel, Proportionally big expansion of Swiss high-speed rail routes, Shortens route distance and reduces train haulage requirements, Increase of capacity on main European rail artery. Interestingly enough, the word cern can be found in ancient mythology. And all nations and tongues heard of his fame, and they gathered themselves to him, and they bowed down to the earth, and they brought him offerings, and he became their lord and king, and they all dwelt with him in the city at Shinar, and Nimrod reigned in the earth over all the sons of Noah, and they were all under his power and counsel. Hearing this and becoming outraged, Genesius threw his tablets down to the magistrates feet and fled. Over the next few years, exploratory bores and other investigations were carried out to determine the most geotechnically favourable route for the tunnel, finally landing on the Erstfeld-Bodio route. This could be used to tunnel the FCC under Lake Geneva, where water-bearing moraines are.... Tunnel inside the east section of the investigations versus the risks they.... Christianity, especially certain rites, especially certain rites appears to draw inspiration from local folk tales, the. 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gotthard base tunnel cern

gotthard base tunnel cern